2022 InovaCidade Award Winners

List of Winners of the InovaCidade Award 2022

Winning project 1:

Organization: LemobsCity: Niterói - State: RJ

Title of Work: Smart School Feeding

The solution consists of integrated software and application that allow the management of school meals in accordance with PNAE guidelines, including menu management, nutritional per capita, inventory and cost management, control and approval of requested/received orders, acceptability and quality of food, as well as tools for nutritional monitoring of students, which allow recording data on health, allergies, intolerances and other conditions that aid in the planning and execution of food supply in schools. The software automates the various stages of the process, respecting the legal framework of the National School Feeding Program - PNAE, which has more than 80 regulations from nutritional tables to accountability.

The solution was selected to be presented at COP 26, due to its innovative and impactful characteristics, which are directly related to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.


Results and impacts brought by the project:

Today, the solution is already present in more than 60 schools, impacting more than 30 thousand students, which results in a 20% decrease in errors in requests, avoiding food waste and reducing the time to generate the Meal Map, from 4 hours to just 5 minutes.

Another direct impact is on family farming, as the PNAE requires that 30% of the resources allocated to school meals by the Federal Government be reserved for family farming. The system is able to identify the farmers' supply and the needs of each school, automatically generating orders based on menu definitions and inventory control. It automates the distribution of orders for vegetables, fruits, vegetables and eggs, among other family farming products, simplifying the directors' work. Thus, the support of the Education Department to farmers is increased, facilitating the direct purchase of more volumes and varieties of their products.

Winning project 2 :

Organized by: Assaí City Hall

City: Assaí - State: PR


Title of Work: Regional Innovation Ecosystem SUNTECH

The municipality of Assaí/PR has a public institution of vocational technical education that meets all the demand for technical education in the region, with students from the cities of Assaí, São Sebastiao da Amoreira, Santa Cecilia do Pavão, Nova Santa Barbara, São Jeronimo da Serra, Santo Antônio do Paraiso, Jataizinho and Nova America da Colina.

Based on this model of regional technical education, Assaí sought to establish a public governance system, encompassing science, technology and innovation, repositioning the management axes from “GOVERNMENT FOR THE CITIZEN” to “GOVERNMENT WITH THE CITIZEN”. From this new purpose, the SUNTECH Regional Innovation Ecosystem was born, embracing open and closed innovation models.

In the closed modality, the Municipality instituted its own Government literature as a Platform, called GOVSUN, encompassing data and analytical sciences, constituting scenarios with an emphasis on evidence, integrating public policies and implementing new technologies, such as: Big Data, Cloud Computing, IA , and IoT. As a highlight of the Platform, we can mention the Smart Squares projects and the support to SME entrepreneurs through the implementation of the public marketplace Shopping Digital de Assaí.

In the open modality, the innovation ecosystem is immersed in agrotech and govtech solutions, contemplating learning, co-creation, prototyping and incubation environments, accelerating new local entrepreneurs, focusing on institutional development and building new vocations to assist the employability process local. The process of building Minimum Viable Products (MVP) and digital transformation, associated with the tools available on the GOVSUN Platform, shape the city as a CITY LAB, regulated by Sandbox, bringing together several experiments.

Results and impacts brought by the project:


The regional SUNTECH innovation ecosystem has been reaching its initial goals, enabling citizens for the innovation journey, as well as producing the first experiments, already using the GOVSUN Platform.

Another significant impact of this ecosystem was the leap in educational development, surpassing the target and reaching a score of 5.2 in the IDEB Index.

Winning project 3 :

Organization: Barueri City Hall - CIT - Center for Innovation and Technology

City: Barueri - State: SP


Title of Work: Innovation Barueri

An initiative that concentrates, integrates and offers a set of mechanisms and tools for the development of scientific, technological and innovation research, also constituting a space for business/academic interaction for the development of solutions that provide socioeconomic benefits for society ; improve quality of life; leverage the economy, encourage the use of high-cost and difficult-to-access technologies and encourage entrepreneurship and the diversified development of solutions to the city's problems.


Aimed at technological research that meets the needs of the municipality, educational institutions, industries in the region and citizens, its structure includes SmartLab, with the objective of providing the population and entrepreneurs with high-cost equipment to promote new products and services.

Through collaborative processes of creation, sharing of knowledge, and the use of digital fabrication tools, Inovação Barueri brings to the population the possibility of learning, designing and producing in spaces and with advanced technology, various types of initiatives that promote the culture of innovation, allowing everyone to work in this segment, and make it a daily practice.r


Results and impacts brought by the project:


It is important to note that some partnerships aim to generate employability in the city, where the participants who obtain the best results in the courses are hired by partner companies. Also, the implementation and expansion of partnerships with educational institutions to provide advanced training courses. In addition, the encouragement of entrepreneurship in the city, through the Pre-Incubation of Ideas program, which became possible through the establishment of partnerships.


A December 2021 survey accounted for 70 Innovation projects, including: 18 jobs generated through courses with partner companies; 3 augmented reality projects; 40 mentorships carried out with interns; 250 enrolled in advanced courses with an emphasis on technology; 2 Android apps; and 7 projects with the 3D Printer.

Winning project 4 :

Organization: Barueri City Hall - CIT - Center for Innovation and Technology

City: Barueri - State: SP


Title of Work: Barueri Smart and Sustainable City


The project is based on the definition that a smart city is one that uses Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and other means to improve the quality of life, the efficiency of urban operations and services and its competitiveness, while guaranteeing the fulfillment of needs of current and future generations in terms of economic, social and environmental aspects. In addition, it is attractive to citizens, entrepreneurs and workers and generates a safer space, with better services and an environment of innovation that encourages creative solutions, generating jobs and reducing inequalities.


Thus, the project brings together more than 20 different ICT initiatives, based on the above definitions, to facilitate citizens' access to municipal services by digital means and increase the effectiveness and efficiency of municipal administration.


Results and impacts brought by the project:


In addition to the reduction in social inequality, improvements in education and infrastructure in the city of Barueri, the impacts and results of the project are shown in the success of all its initiatives, among which the following stand out:

    Live Cameras: in the period from 06/20/2018 to 08/24/2020, more than 150 thousand users accessed the live cameras, there were more than 800 thousand views; Free Wi-FI: before 2018 there was no Wi-Fi free in the city and this project innovated, as shown by several testimonies from the population attesting to the quality of the service; Health - BI Online: before the computerization of health, it was not possible to know how long the citizen waited in each of the service processes, which made it impossible to create service improvement strategies;Smart Traffic Lights: on the roads where smart traffic lights are installed, there was a 30% improvement in traffic flow;APP Barueri: before the APP Barueri, the population's contact with the city hall was face-to-face and bureaucratic, without the guarantee of a response to the citizen. From the Barueri APP, a revolution occurred, as the citizen started to have answers quickly, efficiently and online; Barueri Sem Papel: project that eliminated the use of paper, both among municipal bodies and in the relationship between public administration and citizens .

Winning project 5 :

Organized by: Campos do Jordão City Hall

City: Campos do Jordão - State: São Paulo


Title of Work: Place Branding Campos do Jordão - Highest City in Brazil


In its most elementary concepts, branding work for a physical place is no different than a company. It is a fight for the consumer, where a brand wants to gain market over another. Whether in the incorporation of new consumers in the segment, or winning consumers from your opponents.


What changes in Place Branding is that, not being a brand owned by a company, but by a public entity, therefore, the population, it requires a search for broader concepts and purposes, seeking to find proposals accepted by different groups of citizens. It is not limited to the consumer, in the case of tourists. It must take into account the population, society's representative bodies and stakeholders directly involved in the topic.


The objective of this activity is to allow Campos do Jordão to have control over what is said and thought about itself, to provide more coherence and logic in communication with citizens, to make the tourist destination more attractive than the sum of its offers, to create an atmosphere for welcoming residents of interest, efficiently highlighting the municipality's differentials and, finally, aligning all stakeholders in a single message, gaining effectiveness in communication.


This is a project that seeks to reposition the Campos do Jordão brand based on its DNA, which was identified through extensive research with the various stakeholders of the City. This is innovative work in Brazil and few cities in Brazil have done it as deeply as here. Place Branding goes far beyond a brand proposal as it aims to positively impact the entire production chain of a city with a focus on the citizen, since tourism truly belongs to this citizen. The Project was completed in Nov/2021 and is currently in the execution phase. As it is a process, it should be developed over the next 10 years, with the aim of repositioning the Destination Brand.

Results and impacts brought by the project:


Place Branding, in addition to providing more revenue and increasing the city's GDP, has the purpose of contributing and raising the citizen's sense of belonging, valuing people and the place in line with the concept of livable city.

winning project 6

Organization: Candeias City Hall: Candeiras - State: BA

Title of Work: Restart Candeias

The Restart Candeias Platform seeks to build Candeias' public governance system, encompassing science, technology and innovation, repositioning the management axes from "Governing for the citizen" to "Governing with the citizen".

To this end, the Program is divided into 05 (five) take-off plans and 02 (two) development plans, as mentioned below:

    Take-off for City Recovery: restoring the ability to govern, through fiscal recovery actions, and promoting Social Urbanization (social and urban interventions to promote citizen dignity); Take-off for Digital Government: building the municipal infoway; implement the cloud infrastructure to implement the Big Data project, AI and data analysis, single municipal registration, integrated services portal and mobile application; Takeoff for Candeias Card: implement the CadÚnico Municipal system, through the Citizen Card, developed in physical and digital media, for access to public policies; integrate the means of payment of social benefits; enable the municipality's benefit programs; use of the card as a ticket to events; annually promote the Candeias Award, awarding the best of the year; Takeoff for Innovation: implement the designated Petro Valley ecosystem; Takeoff for Integrated Urbanization: transforming public squares into smart environments; Family Development: smart condominium that includes space for professional courses, telecenter, WIFI, shared car, community garden, edible landscaping and a Fab-lab; world of knowledge, Educational HUB; and Candeias Idiomas; Business Development: public marketplace, Shopping Digital de Candeias; and Seal of Quality Buy More.

Results and impacts brought by the project:


The entire Recovery Takeoff Plan has already been completed, placing Candeias as the second best Fiscal Management in the State, according to FIRJAN. The other take-off plans are in progress, with emphasis on the Single Municipal Registry, which has already consolidated important indicators for monitoring the Municipality's vocational scenarios.

The Entrepreneur's Space has already been inaugurated. The first stages of the Candeias Card are already in operation as a PoC, testing the platform, cybersecurity and operational experiences. The Business Training Center will soon be inaugurated. The Petro Valley ecosystem is also in full swing, mapping innovation actors to soon launch the city's first hackathon. This is also the case with the first smart condominium of social interest, Construindo Sonhos, supporting 60 families.

winning project 7

Organized by: Caraguatatuba City Hall

City: Caraguatatuba - State: SP


Title of Work: Technology of orbital satellites applied in monitoring irregular occupations and control of environmental impacts

Caraguatatuba has been undergoing an intense process of urban growth in recent years, being among the 15 cities with the highest real estate appreciation in the country, according to Exame magazine. Faced with this dynamic, the city hall has the challenge of monitoring and identifying the vectors of urban territorial growth and the conformities of land use change, aiming at the necessary urban planning in the face of social, environmental and economic challenges, thus ensuring sustainability. and quality of life for its citizens. However, this challenge is imposed due to the lack of professionals, adequate tooling and the difficulty of logistics at the inspection sites, making it impossible to carry out a complete on-site monitoring in the different areas of the municipality.


Due to the impossibility of carrying out a complete inspection in the field, which could cover the entire municipality, a history of non-conformities was created, with emphasis on nuclei of irregular housing in environmental, risk and public preservation areas, irregular deforestation, inadequate disposal of rubble and the growth of unlicensed urban buildings.


In order to monitor the surface of the municipality and receive alerts resulting from these identified changes, the city hall implemented a complete monitoring solution with very high resolution satellite images, which identify the emergence of new constructions, invasions, irregular disposal of rubble and degradation of the vegetation in the municipality, warning about the various changes in the territory. This monitoring created fundamental subsidies for a broad understanding of the dynamics of land use and land cover change in the municipality, supporting field inspections in a quick and assertive way, strongly impacting the improvement of the life of the entire population.

Results and impacts brought by the project:

    Improvement of the population's quality of life; Reduction of invasions of irregular areas; Reduction of irregular waste disposal; Reduction of Irregular deforestation; Update of the Real Estate Registry.

winning project 8

Organized by: Carapicuíba City Hall

City: Carapicuíba - State: SP


Title of Work: Together - Technology saving lives, improving the population's quality of life and reducing material losses


Carapicuíba has a historical complex of occupation and is one of the 5 municipalities with the highest population density in the country. Its territory is marked by areas of relief and numerous nuclei of irregular occupation. In this context, flooding events, floods and mass movements are recurrent, thus impacting its citizens. These characteristics bring numerous challenges to public administration, as it is necessary to manage these events to ensure the improvement of life and safety of the population.


The history of loss of life and material resources, resulting from the events of flooding, flooding and landslides, led the city to develop housing projects and infrastructure works. Completely, the city implemented a digital platform for analysis, monitoring and alerting of extreme environmental events, allowing the assessment of risks and the mitigation of impacts resulting from these environmental events.


As a result, the municipality now has the means to monitor and inform, by various means, including mobile devices, about the occurrence and magnitude of imminent risks of disasters, to the entire population.


Also, integrated mobile devices that allow field data collection, occurrence registration and data consultation, promoting greater proximity between the citizen and the city hall, streamlining processes and positively impacting the population's quality of life.


Results and impacts brought by the project:

    Improvement of life and housing of the population at risk; Reduction of human and material loss, with climatic events; Engagement of the population in risk management.

winning project 9

Organization: City Hall of Caxias do Sul

City: Caxias do Sul - State: RS

Title of Work: The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as guidelines for Public Management by Indicators


The objective of the project is to equip municipal public management with a dashboard of indicators, based on existing public policies, aligning them with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), of the UN 2030 Agenda, and with ISO 37120 (Sustainable Cities) , ISO 37122 (Smart Cities) and ISO 37123 (Resilient Cities).

The City Hall of Caxias do Sul created a working group, led by the Vice-Mayor and involving career civil servants, with expertise in the elaboration of the Multi-Year Plan (PPA), Budget Guidelines Law (LDO) and Annual Budget Law (LOA) and with specialization in Local Development and SDGs. The group was then legally constituted with the publication of Municipal Decree No. 21,772, on 10/21/2021, which established norms for the definition, monitoring and evaluation of performance indicators and physical goals of government programs and the implementation of the office of data and project management.


The group was responsible for presenting and disseminating the work at City Hall, so that the servers of the various municipal secretariats, together with their secretaries, would point out, among the list of indicators compiled from the SDGs and ISOs, those that directly or indirectly impact the programs developed in each folder. Such indicators were presented in workshops organized by dimensions, namely: Social, Economic, Urban Planning and Environment, Infrastructure and Public and Governance Services. In the workshops, around 1200 indicators were selected by the secretariats. Still, we sought to determine the possible source of data in the City Hall (and if it exists), to feed each indicator.

Results and impacts brought by the project:


The indicators will be made available on an open platform for the municipal public administration to make decisions based on data that contribute not only to the monitoring of priority management actions, but also to actions that impact the sustainable development of the city. The awareness and involvement of career civil servants in the project also has a significant impact on the Municipality, as it contributes to the perpetuity of the project throughout the various administrations. The result of the data office's work will also serve to encourage fundraising and the elaboration, updating and maintenance of projects aligned with existing public policies for the transformation and development of the city.

winning project 10

Organized by: City Hall of Dores do Rio Preto

City: Dores do Rio Preto - State: ES

Job Title: Smart Shopping


The Municipality of Dores do Rio Preto, through the Municipal Department of Agriculture, Social Assistance and Education, has worked intensively so that family farmers have better working conditions, more technical assistance and are able to sell their crops more easily.

It is a small municipality in Espírito Santo, with an estimated population of 6,397 inhabitants and an HDI of 0.654, according to the latest data from the IBGE, with more than half of this population composed of small producers, with 526 families registered in CadÚnico, residents in the rural area of the municipality.

With the Smart Purchases project, the municipality has, since 2017, been improving in government purchases, where it already carries out several actions, including:

    PNAE - Acquisition of food from family farming for school meals; Federal PAA / State CDA - Acquisition of food from family farming for vulnerable families; Institutional PAA - Purchase of coffee directly from the producer to serve the city hall; Ticket Fair - Benefit granted to servers for direct purchase from the producer.

We aim to provide new business opportunities for family farmers, as well as encourage family succession and a sense of belonging, bringing good quality food to school meals and also to families in situations of vulnerability.

Results and impacts brought by the project:

All the efforts undertaken to value rural family production listed above have provided unprecedented improvements in the municipality. The strategic alignments between the municipal departments, aiming at smart purchases, impacted socially and economically the local community. Such impacts can be seen in the return of optimism regarding the commercialization of land products, but not only that. Public acquisition, added to the massive strengthening of the free fair was, to a large extent, responsible for this.

Throughout the project, the municipality managed to reach considerable numbers on the ticket-feira, from R$ 90,000.00 in 2020 to R$ 151,000.00 in 2021, with a projection of R$ 175,000.00 for 2022, demonstrating the success of the project. .

winning project 11

Organized by: Municipality of Itapira

City: Itapira - State: SP

Title of Work: Technology facilitating the life of the citizen, promoting economic development and employability


One of Itapira's city halls is to promote economic development, reduce bureaucracy and attract new investments to the municipality. In this way, the municipality invested in a technological solution to reduce bureaucracy and digitize the entire process of issuing municipal operating permits, generating time savings and transparency in the service provided.


Thus, the municipality implemented an electronic approval solution for issuing a business license, simplifying and digitizing the entire process of approval and granting of authorization for the municipality's economic activities.


With the new solution in place, the entire process of issuing a business license can now be carried out directly through the city hall website, avoiding the need for the citizen or his representative (accountant, for example) to attend and deliver physical material to the city hall. In this process, the entire process can still be monitored digitally, and the time for issuing the license was reduced to less than 24 hours (previously, expected in weeks), optimizing resources of the city hall and improving the service provided. This simplification and speed in the process has fostered and encouraged the opening of new ventures and investments in the municipality.


Positive impacts such as the increase in employment and income generation can already be observed, contributing positively to the social and economic improvement of the population, and supporting municipal initiatives to reduce social weaknesses.

Results and impacts brought by the project:

    Elimination of paper and bureaucracy in starting a business; Issuance of real estate registration and business license 100% online; Integration with government agencies (Federal Revenue, Post Office, etc.). Reduction of 400% in the time to open a new company; Increase in employment and income for citizens.

winning project 12

Organized by: City Hall of Jaboatão dos Guararapes

City: Jaboatão dos Guararapes - State: PE

Title of Work: Monitoring System (Target Platform) - Management Panel


The Public Administration needs to plan the activities to be carried out and manage the available public resources in a strategic way, making them compatible with the priorities of the community. Thus, it is necessary to have an effective monitoring of the planning, as a way to ensure that the work is performed as expected and that the planned actions are well materialized.

In this context, Jaboatão dos Guararapes developed a management model that enables the planning, execution, monitoring and evaluation of its actions and projects in a systematic way, through the “Monitoring System (Target Platform) - Management Panel”.


In January 2017, there was no technological solution in the municipality for monitoring actions and products. The implementation of the Target Platform provided management with a reliable, simple and agile tool, capable of, in a short time, being integrated into the project monitoring process and making it more dynamic and efficient.


The system is an environment in the form of a web collaboration portal focused on the visualization and consolidated monitoring of strategic management actions, allowing greater monitoring with accurate and easy-to-read information. The system makes it possible to generate reports from different perspectives of the same product to be analyzed, such as a work, which can be monitored from the project design, bidding process, acquisition of materials, personnel and execution. These reports help the manager to have greater control of what was planned, executed and finalized, in addition to being fundamental in decision making, optimizing public resources. The tool has an embedded and integrated BI – Business Intelligence and is licensed in perpetuity to the City Hall.


Results and impacts brought by the project:


This tool provided increased productivity; optimization of financial resources; promotion of transparent, participatory, decentralized and integrated public management; availability of more accurate information for decision making; and meeting schedules.

winning project 13

Organized by: Municipality of Jundiaí

City: Jundiaí - State: SP

Title of Work: Teleinterconsultation as a strategy to expand access to medical specialties and qualify Primary Care in Jundiaí


Jundiaí implemented teleconsultation of neurology and cardiology specialties as a way to achieve greater resolution in PHC, in order to take care of users who were in waiting lines for medical specialties, as well as to provide access, in a timely manner, to exams and treatments. adequate, mitigating the possibility of harm. With the qualification and evaluation of the waiting lines of these specialties, it was possible to sensitize professionals and reduce the absolute number of waiting lines, as well as to provoke changes in the PHC work process, providing greater accountability and effective longitudinal care by the teams.


To become innovative, the care model was remodeled and started to happen between a doctor from the basic unit (UBS) and another specialist doctor on a digital platform, through video call, where cases were discussed and information was exchanged, in order to assist the UBS doctor in solving the case, being a matrix support tool, where it is possible to request exams and evaluate in the light of their specific knowledge, thus offering the UBS doctor subsidies to conduct the case. This type of care speeds up access to complementary exams, including those of high complexity, which the user would only have access to when he was in specialized care, which would generate a longer waiting time and bureaucratization in the process.


Results and impacts brought by the project:


In December 2021, the results obtained over the 6 months of implementation of the teleinterconsultation proposal were evaluated and it could be seen that, despite the difficulties and resistance encountered, there was a considerable decrease in neurology and cardiology waiting lists, reaching the numbers of 893 and 723 (against 2100 and 1000, respectively) of users. It is feasible to say that there was a decrease in the neurology queue by 57% and cardiology by 27%.

During this first implementation process in the PHC health units, an indispensable change in the work process of the teams was also noted, since a need to rethink the logic of care for users was provoked with the professionals, starting to configure a continuous qualification of the waiting lines, which generated critical thinking in the professionals, since the referral to the specialty itself does not take care of the user's health needs, but the monitoring of the case in a timely manner generates care in fact.

winning project 14

Organized by: Londrina City Hall

City: Londrina - State: PR

Title of Work: Purchase Londrina Program - Post-Covid19 Londrina Economic Recovery Strategy


Across Brazil, the public imagination about bids is connected to situations of corruption, bribery and illegitimate interests. In Londrina, the City Hall is the largest public purchaser in the region: from needle to truck, from school uniform to asphalt, almost R$ 300 million/year in purchases of products and services. A lot of resource that, far from negative imagery, is applied in an intelligent and innovative way. By combining transparency and bidding management as a mechanism to stimulate companies - especially small ones - we re-signify the potential of a bidding process. A Smart City is one that applies intelligence to public procurement.

Through Compra Londrina, City Hall teaches any company willing to face bidding disputes. Without shortcuts or tricks, it is possible to learn everything clearly, which attracts small businesses in the city to negotiate products and services. In addition, we simplify the dispute: instead of complex technological tools of electronic trading, which few can understand, the City Hall uses an intuitive technology: video calls with chats (videoconference) - and any small business can dispute a purchase using, even cell. With this, we founded an economic recovery strategy for Londrina, post-Covid19, based on the municipality's own companies and on the existing resources of the City Hall for the purchase of public products and services.

Results and impacts brought by the project:


With the Program, the indicators advanced: in 2020, companies with “local DNA” accounted for 27.3% of the deals closed with the City Hall - R$ 82.6 million. In 2021, local businesses closed BRL 58.8 million with the City Hall. Here, then, is the heart of the initiative: recovering the city with the use of technological resources for businesses that are fully accessible to small businesses - and investing taxes in purchases and services with the local companies that most need to breathe - and generate more jobs, income and taxes in London.


A study quantified how many jobs, taxes and salaries were generated in Londrina through negotiations with companies in the city in 2021:

    Creation of 401 jobs; Generation of BRL 8.5 million in salaries for workers at local companies; Payment of BRL 12.4 million in taxes; Creation of 165 new Micro and Small Businesses.

winning project 15

Organized by: Ribeirão Preto City Hall

City: Ribeirão Preto - State: SP

Title of Work: Ribeirão Mobility Program


The Ribeirão Mobilidade program is the largest road project in the city's history. The City Hall counts with about 90% of the works of the Ribeirão Mobilidade Program bid and in the bidding process. There are more than 30 road interventions planned to ensure more accessibility, traffic safety and quality of life for the population of Ribeirão Preto.


11 of them have already been completed and the total investment is close to R$ 500 million, with R$ 310 million in resources from the Federal Government and the rest from Financing for Infrastructure and Sanitation (Finisa) and other credit agencies.


In all, 11 bus lanes will be implemented in Ribeirão Preto, covering a total of 56 kilometers along the main avenues of the municipality, in addition to bridges, tunnels and viaducts, intelligent traffic lights and CCO (Operations Control Center, through monitoring cameras ), which will provide greater comfort to 4,154,118 public transport users.

Results and impacts brought by the project:


Urban Mobility is essential for the city to grow in an orderly fashion, without leaving anyone behind. Ribeirão Preto is investing in quality of life, so that people spend less time in traffic, commuting, and more time with their families.


In addition, there is a whole concern about safety and the use of technologies that can help save lives, such as traffic control with roads with reduced maximum speed.

winning project 16

Organized by: City Hall of Santana de Parnaíba

City: Santana de Parnaíba - State: SP

Title of Work: Anna Project - Use of Natural Language Processing to Serve Citizens


Due to the growing demand for calls to the service of the Santana de Parnaíba Health Department, as a result of the search for information regarding COVID-19, SP@rGovLab (Science and Innovation Laboratory of the Municipal Information Technology Department) was called to present alternatives to reduce the number of incoming calls. The proposal presented was to increase the number of communication channels with the departments of the city hall, in a single tool, which would integrate all these bodies of the municipality, without the need for prior training, as it is a tool made available directly to citizens.


For this, artificial intelligence solutions were sought, given that public servants were already overloaded with current means, where natural language processing techniques with Machine Learning were arrived at. Among the challenges of this implementation were the development of the solution with the maximum number of free tools (and the project has no development budget), with a team with a small number of participants, with the widest possible scope, with delivery in a maximum of two weeks .

The challenges were accepted by the SP@rGovLab team, which began with a survey of available solutions for the natural language processing task, using pre-established requirements for choosing the tool. The development took place with free tools from Google Cloud and was carried out in 49 days, between research and development. With this performance, we received recognition from the Google company for the Case of Implementation of Artificial Intelligence in Government.

Results and impacts brought by the project:


More than 60,000 requests were answered from citizens between March 2020 (beginning of the pandemic) and the end of 2021.

winning project 17

Organized by: São Caetano do Sul City Hall

City: São Caetano do Sul - State: SP

Title of Work: CGE - Emergency Management Center: surveillance cameras protect the population


The new Emergency Management Center (CGE) has made São Caetano do Sul one of the most monitored cities in the country. Considering its 161,127 inhabitants (according to the IBGE), the municipality now has a monitoring camera for each group of 457 residents.

With the operation of 352 cameras, the CGE allows all 15 km² of the city to be monitored in just 4 minutes. Operators, military police, municipal civil guards, traffic agents and Civil Defense take turns working six hours a day for monitoring.

The CGE platform is based on four pillars: road monitoring (visualization of streets and avenues); analytical (analysis of the number of vehicles passing through the city, search for license plates, in addition to people); forensics (investigation of occurrences) and OCR (reading of plates, basically acting with the same characteristics of the cameras of Detecta).


The extensive monitoring system, installed in Bairro Cerâmica, was only possible after the installation of more than 240 kilometers of optical fiber, which guarantees an efficient connection, without failures in the transmission of images. The cameras transmit images in high resolution, even at night.

Results and impacts brought by the project:


With the implementation of the Emergency Management Center (CGE), São Caetano became an even safer city. The CGE allows you to monitor all 15 km² of the city in just 4 minutes, monitoring suspicious behavior, accidents and even natural disasters. Crimes have already been elucidated from the CGE images.

winning project 18

Organized by: São Caetano do Sul City Hall

City: São Caetano do Sul - State: SP

Title of Work: Wi-Fi in Schools: state-of-the-art network improves internet in municipal schools in São Caetano


As of October 2021, municipal education in São Caetano do Sul began to prepare for a technological leap: it was the beginning of the project to implement a new wireless internet access system in all units of the Department of Education. Education, covering schools, libraries, language schools and the Training Center for Education Professionals.

The City Hall invested R$ 9.2 million in the new network infrastructure. 990 network access points were installed in classrooms and common areas of all school units. The installation is supervised by the DTI (Department of Information Technology).

The city, which has been a model of quality in public education, makes a new contribution to the improvement of the Brazilian educational scenario. According to a survey carried out by the Lemann Foundation, only 3.2% of Brazilian public schools have internet speeds according to international standards. São Caetano is now in this select group.

Since 2017, the municipality has invested heavily in technologies applied to education. The city pioneered a 100% digital assessment model and has offered resources such as digital whiteboards, computers, notebooks, educational tables and tablets.

Through a partnership with the company Google, at no cost to the city, schools also have the Google for Education platform, which includes tools for creating texts and spreadsheets, emails and even websites for educational purposes.


Results and impacts brought by the project:


Wi-Fi 6, which represents the sixth generation of wireless internet, will guarantee greater connection speed and stability to students, teachers and education professionals in the municipal network, allowing for greater quality in the management and implementation of educational projects.

winning project 19

Organization: São Paulo City Hall - Government Innovation Laboratory

City: São Paulo - State: SP


Title of Work: Behavioral Sciences Program


The Behavioral Sciences Program aims to promote improvements in municipal services based on evidence from empirical studies of how people make decisions and controlled testing of pilot solutions.

Linked to the macro-agenda of Designing and Improving Public Services of (011).lab, the Program's main initiative is the application of principles of behavioral economics in public services. For this, simple, inexpensive, scalable interventions are designed, which take into account existing behavior drivers in the context of the policy or service being studied. The Program works as follows:

    Identifies public challenges with a behavioral component; Prototypes solutions based on insights from behavioral sciences; Tests which behavioral principles work in the local context, adapting to regional and service particularities; Strive for rigor in the methodologies used: conducting randomized controlled experiments; Systematizes project data from immersion to the result, consolidating the project narrative; Implements and scales only the most successful solution with a positive impact; Builds and maintains several bridges with academia and a network of national and international experts.

The Program focuses both on services and actions aimed at citizens and aimed at civil servants of the City of São Paulo.


Results and impacts brought by the project:


One of the projects already completed by the Program was the reduction of IPTU delinquency through the modification of the notice of notification prior to entry to the Municipal Informative Registry (CADIN). Based on the investigation of behavioral barriers, prototypes of new versions of the release were designed, which were then randomly sent to contributors. The objective was to investigate which formatting and wording of the communiqué, based on a behavioral principle, would bring a greater increase in the payment of overdue debts.


After carrying out the tests, an analysis was made of what the increase in revenue could be if the reformulated letter were implemented as a standard by the Secretariat. If the percentage of taxpayers who pay their debts in arrears rises by 4.1 percentage points (effect of the letter with the best result in the tests), then one could expect an increase in revenue of the order of R$ 60 million for the City Hall.

winning project 20

Organization: São Paulo City Hall - Department of Innovation and Technology

City: São Paulo - State: SP

Job Title: Easy Undertaking


The Empreenda Fácil program simplifies the process of opening, licensing, regularizing and canceling companies. Launched in May 2017, it allows the licensing of low-risk companies in an average of 2 days, reducing bureaucracy for opening new ventures in the city. The previous process took more than 100 days and required a pilgrimage between municipal, state and federal agencies, now gathered on the same platform. The new system recorded more than 360,000 actions for opening, regularizing or canceling companies by 2021. Low-risk businesses represent 80% of the city's economic activity, but the program also benefits the opening of high-risk companies, branches and the regularization of projects, which also had their processes simplified.

Empreenda Fácil presents innovations in relation to the previous process, such as: Interactions between the systems of the different agencies through web services; Self-declaratory character: for legal entities classified as low risk, document analysis is waived and replaced by statements provided by the entrepreneur; Mandatory feasibility analysis prior to incorporation of the legal entity; The system was developed to reflect a continuous and self-explanatory flow, with easy and clear communication for the entrepreneur at all stages of the company's legalization process; On-line technical support service through the service channels of the SP156 portal, not burdening the Service Plazas of municipal bodies; Electronic and automatic unlocking of the CCM, without the need to travel in person; Reuse of all information provided by citizens throughout the process, speeding up approvals from different bodies.


Results and impacts brought by the project:


Number of openings, regularizations or write-offs of companies until December 2021: 360 thousand; Average time to start a business: reduction from 101.4 days in 2016 to 2.6 days in 2021; Accounting professionals trained in the 4 editions of Empreenda Fácil Workshops promoted by Sescon in 2017 and 2018: 739; Extra Training in Sub-prefectures and Adesampa: 10 and 122 trained employees; Assistance at the Farm Service Center: before the implementation of the electronic unlocking of the CCM, there was an average of 250 face-to-face consultations per day, when the unlocking became electronic, there was a reduction of 1/3 of the assistance related to the CCM; General Engagement Meetings for Secretariats and Partners: 10 meetings and an average of 18.7 participants per meeting.

winning project 21

Organization: City Hall of Rio de Janeiro

City: Rio de Janeiro - State: RJ

Title of Work: Public-Private Partnership Smart Luz


PPP Smart Luz, the largest in Latin America and one of the largest in the world, impresses with the magnitude of the numbers, such as: a total investment of R$ 1.4 billion, 10 thousand new cameras, 450 thousand LED lamps and 5 thousand free wifi. Added to this is the modernization of the traffic light park and the new sensors that can be installed, which will become possible with the implementation of the 5G network and, consequently, an increase in the use of IoT. It also foresees an increase of approximately 50% in the space of the Rio Operations Center (COR), in relation to the existing area, with investments in state-of-the-art equipment, transforming the COR once again into the largest urban monitoring center in Latin America. . This combination makes it possible to speed up the response time to everyday demands (traffic information, traffic lights, public services, for example) and help in the development of preventive measures for crises, in addition to enabling quick action in emergencies.

Some benefits are directly associated with PPP, such as: greater energy efficiency, savings in government spending, increased security and reduced crime, reduced CO2 emissions and better maintenance. From the point of view of the citizen and the well-being of the city, there are many positive impacts, such as: individual safety, maintenance of public assets, a sense of security and visual comfort, impacts on health, reduction of traffic accidents, better driver experiences, traffic flow and digital inclusion.

More than a radical technological change, the PPP brings a change of meaning: in addition to its basic function of lighting, it also supports the infrastructure for the deployment of 5G network cells. Lighting poles expand their concept and are able to offer a set of services to citizens and to support the management of the city. The intelligent operation of the public lighting park, via remote management, can also lead to significant gains in efficiency and quality in the provision of municipal public service.

Results and impacts brought by the project:

    Greater energy efficiency and longer lamp life; Reduction of government spending on lighting; Possibility of dimming luminaires; Possibility of individual metering of energy consumed; Increase in effective safety and citizens' perception of safety; Reduction in crime; Reduction of traffic accidents at night; Possibility of identifying defects in luminaires in real time; Agility in luminaire maintenance services; Reduction of CO2 emissions, from the adoption of sustainable technologies; Possibility of "plug and play" connections of the systems with other services; eReduction of light pollution and higher quality lighting throughout the city.

winning project 22

Organization: Prodabel

City: Belo Horizonte - State: BH


Title of Work: BH Digital Inclusion Program


The BH Digital Inclusion program is the largest free internet project in Brazil, created by the Computer and Information Company of the Municipality of Belo Horizonte, Prodabel. The program provides for training and qualification in Information Technology - which contributes to the generation of employment and income - and aims to bring free and quality internet to all towns, slums and housing projects in the city, benefiting more than 400,000 residents, of which 45 thousand students from the municipal school system.

For Prodabel and the Municipality of BH, digital inclusion today is no longer a problem of comfort, it is a matter of necessity in the globalized world. Furthermore, those who are trained in technology have the possibility of occupying one of the thousands of vacancies available in the programming universe, which means more empowerment of the population, especially the most needy, and the perspective of reducing emerging problems, such as unemployment. .

Implementation has already started and will run until the end of 2022, with the expansion of 735 km of fiber optic network, the installation of 2,100 new free Wi-Fi points in 218 villages and slums, in addition to nine Reference Centers in Digital Inclusion, one in each region of the city.

A great novelty is the offer of 15,790 new places in training and qualification courses that the program also provides and the donation of computers or mobile devices to households that do not have internet access equipment. These are computers or tablets that were donated to PBH and are being refurbished by Prodabel.

Before installing the equipment, a Prodabel approach team visits all the houses in the village or favela, explaining the project and identifying houses for the installation of the signal distribution device. After installation, various activities are carried out in the favela. One of them is the presence of the Digital Inclusion Trailer, for two weeks, when computer, computer maintenance, drone and programming workshops are held within the mobile unit, which has two classrooms equipped with 20 computers.

Results and impacts brought by the project:

Since it was officially launched in December 2021, the BH Digital Inclusion Program has already collected dozens of reports and testimonies from residents of BH villages and slums, impacted by the program. There are several cases of residents who have already reached the job market, soon after completing and certifying with Prodabel courses.

In a large city, with the high cost of living and the lack of resources for maintaining a home, free internet is a financial relief and the possibility of accessing the benefits of modernity, in particular, in the impact on educational training and access to the world of work.

winning project 23

Organization: PRODAM

City: São Paulo - State: SP

Title of Work: MEI Nota Fácil, Nota Paulistana's mobile application


The MEI Nota Fácil application was developed to meet the demand for issuing notes in a simplified way, seeking to increase the formalization of services provided to this type of taxpayer.

It is possible to perform the initial registration in the NFS-e System in a simple way, through a guided flow.



    Issuance of the Electronic Services Invoice (NFS-e): users of the application, after being duly registered, will be able to issue invoices in a few steps, just providing basic information about the service performed and with the possibility, including, of identifying the customer whenever he wants. In addition, MEI will be able to share the invoice issued with its client, reinforcing the image of regularity of its professional performance and also cancel a invoice that has been generated with incorrect parameters; Queries: with the application it will be possible to consult all invoices issued, including search by specific period or by the data of the service taker.

The beta version of the app is currently available for download on the playstore only. But PRODAM is already working on a set of small improvements in the features already implemented and also in the compatibility of the application for IoS and will make the definitive version available in the coming months.

AppMEI had the taxpayer authentication process implemented using the OAuth authorization protocol. Innovative at Prodam, OAuth works with tokens in the exchange of requests and offers security and stability, currently being used by several market applications, including internet banking.

Results and impacts brought by the project:


There were more than 10 thousand downloads of the application and a score of 4.8 out of 5 on the PlayStore in 1 thousand evaluations carried out.

winning project 24

Organization: Unicoba Energia

City: São Paulo - State: SP

Job Title: Ledstar transforms Mato Grosso into the first state with 100% LED lighting


The MT Iluminado program is part of an ambitious government program called Mais MT, created in October 2020.


The program foresees investments in the order of 9.5 billion, in several areas: Security, Health, Education, Social and Housing, Economic Development, Employment and Income, Infrastructure, Tourism, Culture, Sports and Leisure, Simplifies MT, Public Efficiency, Environment Environment, Family Agriculture and Land Regularization.

Of this total amount, 63% will come from the Government of Mato Grosso's own resources, and the remainder through credit operations, agreements and amendments. MT Iluminado is included in the Infrastructure "box", which holds 4.7 billion of the total amount.


In addition to being the first state to have 100% LED lighting, it is the largest public lighting project ever implemented in the country and which will generate more efficiency, safety and savings.

Results and impacts brought by the project:


Energy savings of up to 70% are expected compared to conventional lamps (sodium vapor and mercury), in addition to a huge environmental benefit, since conventional lamps are extremely harmful to the environment.

The luminaires also have a 7-pin socket, which allows future accession to the Telemanagement system (Smart Cities), which will allow remote management of the lighting park, with consumption measurement, fault alert, dimming (greater savings in energy) and reduction in the service SLA in case of failures.

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